Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Favorite Character

Without a doubt, Alex is my favorite character... for a number of reasons.

NUMBER 1: She is the only character in my opinion that stays true to herself, yeah she has flaws but she admitted them and was willing to make up for them, which I feel can't be said for all the characters, if Josie hadn't been asked to testify, would the truth have come out? I doubt it. Alex was different.

NUMBER 2: Alex never shys away from the truth; she admitted to Lacy from day one that she didn't want her baby, her career was what was important to her and she was scared of becoming a mom. I liked Alex because of her determination, she admitted at the very beginning that her dad was unaffectionate and instead she got good grades in order to make him love her etc Josie I feel criticises her mum for never having time for her, and I think some would say Alex is like her dad and is very unfeeling towards Josie but I think it'd be wrong to say that. Alex, shows that as a mother love really is unconditional and all she wants Josie to do is tell the truth regardless. I felt that Alex came the furthest because she was willing to admit to her previous mistakes.

NUMBER 3: Alex is cold to begin with but who can blame her if she never experienced affection from her father, this story comes full circle, she treats Josie like this originally because of the way she is treat by her own father. To add to this Logan Rourke does the exact same thing and just drops Alex which I feel only serves to make Alex stronger.

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