Saturday, November 5, 2011

Theme of Dear John & Quotes

The theme (in my opinion) is about the love between two people and the sacrifices they make. Eg. Extending the army contract, being separated for years, falling in love with someone else, etc. It is also about the relationship between a father and son. Eg. How the father raised his son so well, considering he has Asberger's


“I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.”
“Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable, but her story and mine are different now. It wasn't easy for me to accept this simple truth, because there was a time when our stories were the same, but that was six years and two lifetimes ago.”

“There are memories for both of us, of course, but I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence, and in this, Savannah and I are different as well.If hers are stars in the nighttime sky, mine are the haunted empty spaces in beetween...”

“I think my dad was happy. I phrase it like this because he seldom showed much emotion. Hugs and kisses wwere a rarity for me growing up, and when they did happen, they often struck me as lifeless, something he did because he felt he was supposed to, not because he wanted to.”
I finished this book in about 3 days. i couldnt put it down!

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