Sunday, November 13, 2011


In the beginning of this semester, i didnt find myself reading at all unless i had to for class. If i DID read on my own, then i would usually read a love story or a story about a teenagers life, something i could relate to. I would read in my room before bed, i would sit down and make a set time to read every night. I truly wanted to get into reading more. It was easy for me to read because i was strict on myself. Everything that i read i really liked! I chose books that i knew would catch my attention. I like to read anything by jodi picoult or nicholas sparks. Those two authors are some of my favorites, even though they are both really sad to read sometimes. I read in silence most of the time, and i would check my phone occasionally, but it never distracted me enough to not be able to go on with what i was doing and distract me with what i was reading. I would talk about the things i read with my sister because all of the books i read were hers before and she has read them as well. I have changed a lot as a reader. I find myself liking to read now. I havent changed the type of things that i read. But yes, i think that i will read independently a lot more now. I will read more in the summer on my own. I think that i am going to read kathy griffins book next. she is so funny!! And i am loving Tina Feys book, and they have very similar personalites. My mom has her book, so i might as well read it !

i love bossypants

I started reading bossypants from Mr. Hills library, and i love it so much already! Tina Fey is so funny. She has a sarcastic tone mostly with everything that she says, or she is joking about something in her life. I love the way she always herself.

Even as a little girl, Tina Fey always dreamed of being a comedian. Now that her dreams have come true, the creator of 30 Rock and long time Saturday Night Live writer is ready to tell her story. Fey takes the reader on a journey through her childhood and through her career as she details the ups and downs of being a woman in a man’s world. Along with this is her signature witty commentary on motherhood, Hollywood beauty standards, being Sarah Palin, and more.

So much of what Fey says in this book was not only entertaining, but insightful as well. She discussed being a woman in comedy (traditionally a man’s world), being a working mother, and what it was like to impersonate Sarah Palin, as well as many more hilariously funny stories from her life. While I have to admit that I would have been happy with a little more depth to what Fey is discussing, I still enjoy the balance between honesty and humor. Her stories are funny while at the same time actually meaning something. It is a nice balance.

thoughts on dear john

It certainly is a love story as well.... Only, John's love for Savannah is the true beauty of it... Because Savannah breaks his heart by sending him an actual Dear John letter while he's far from home defending his country..

She marries their mutual friend Tim who has an autistic son to help take care of Tim who is dying of cancer and to raise his sweet little boy. I felt that she didn't have to marry Tim to do those things... She could have cared for Tim as a friend and taken care of his son no matter what. But even so, that is the twist the plot took and while John relied on her letters while he was at war, to get him through each day... she stopped writing him for two months before she sent him the letter that broke his heart.
After that, John continues to re-enlist until he's shot and while healing discovers that his Father has had a stroke and goes home to see him...
There's this scene that made me cry in the theater, where he reads a letter to his Dad that he wrote...
In the most poetic words, he tells his Dad that when he was shot, his first thought took him back to when he was a little boy and these coins that he and his Dad collected together.. He goes on to tell his Dad that he is a coin in the U.S. Army and describes himself in this way that just grips a hold of your heart and then he tells his Dad through the words in his letter that his Dad was the last thought he had... "It was you.." he said and the tears just fell and fell for me then as his Dad held onto his Son's hand and you knew that they loved each other so much
His Dad passes away after that and that devastated me too... John goes to see Savannah after the funeral... Only to discover the truth behind her Dear John letter... She is also broke and has no money to bring Tim home from the hospital to spend his last days with his son.. So, after John says goodbye to her... he does the most amazing and selfless, beautiful thing ever. He sells his Dad's coin collection, while keeping the most sentimental coin that he and his Dad shared and gives all of the money in an anonymous donation to bring Tim home so that he can spend his last days with his son and be cared for at home. He had been close to Tim and his son Alan and even though he felt betrayed that the love of his life married Tim... He gave Tim and his son the gift of time.
True, it may not have been the epic romance that I thought it would be... but it was far more and I haven't stopped thinking of the film since. If a film lingers in your mind the way this one has for me, you know it will stay with you always.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


current books: Dear John (Just Finished)

pages this week: 114

pages this semester: A lot :)

Already Done

I already finished my newest book dear john, by nicholas sparks. i loved it. i love reading about love. i finished it in about 3 or 4 days. i couldnt put it down.

"Dear John," the letter read. And with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives changed forever.
 My Thoughts: If I had to sum up my feelings about Dear John in one word, it word be this: Love. I picked this word for obvious reasons: the love between John and Savannah,  the love Savannah seemed to radiate, and the love I have for this book. Dear John was the first Nicholas Sparks novel I've read, and it won't be my last. I admit I didn't expect this one to be anything special, and was pleasantly surprised when I turned out to be wrong. 
There isn't anything bad I can say about Dear John. I loved the writing, the plot, the characters, the emotion...everything. Which is why this review is so short;  my words can't describe how lovely this book was. Its a perfect example of why I love to read. If you're a fan of love stories and haven't read it already, go out and buy Dear John soon. You won't regret it.

Theme of Dear John & Quotes

The theme (in my opinion) is about the love between two people and the sacrifices they make. Eg. Extending the army contract, being separated for years, falling in love with someone else, etc. It is also about the relationship between a father and son. Eg. How the father raised his son so well, considering he has Asberger's


“I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.”
“Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable, but her story and mine are different now. It wasn't easy for me to accept this simple truth, because there was a time when our stories were the same, but that was six years and two lifetimes ago.”

“There are memories for both of us, of course, but I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence, and in this, Savannah and I are different as well.If hers are stars in the nighttime sky, mine are the haunted empty spaces in beetween...”

“I think my dad was happy. I phrase it like this because he seldom showed much emotion. Hugs and kisses wwere a rarity for me growing up, and when they did happen, they often struck me as lifeless, something he did because he felt he was supposed to, not because he wanted to.”
I finished this book in about 3 days. i couldnt put it down!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ending 19 Minutes

Bullying can hurt inside and out, Abuse can hurt just as much. Possibly even more because the suffering is showing on the outside where people can see, where the words pass from one mouth to another, which then spills out all over the floor. The floor that which everyone has laid eyes on but never really realized that other peoples hurt is the only thing holding them up. They think it's their stable ground, but little did they know that it's not their ground to even be near. The pain that kids inflict on each other makes love seem terrifying and not real. “When I was little I used to pour salt on slugs. I liked watching them dissolve before my eyes. Cruelty is always sort of fun until you realize that something's getting hurt. It would be one thing to be a loser if it meant no one paid attention to you, but in school, it means your actively sought out. You're the slug, and they're holding all the salt. And they haven't developed a conscience.” There are so many kids that are lost and insecure because of the cruel things that occur way to many times in their lives. Young adults never really get to experience or feel love from another person because they are already wallowing in self-doubt or hate.

“I think a persons life is supposed to be like a DVD. You can see the version everyone else sees, or you can choose the director's cut- the way he wanted you to see it, before everything got in the way. There are menus, probably, so that you can start at the good spots and not have to relive the bad ones. You can measure your life by the number of scenes you've survived, or the minutes you've been stuck there. Probably, though, life is more like one of those dumb video surveillance tape. Grainy, no matter how hard you stare at it. And looped: the same thing, over and over.” Some people think themes are inutile, meaning they have no useful purpose; this is just because they aren't looking at the intricate parts. Or people are just being plain lazy and are not thinking about the details they were offered. Until the day they come to a halt, they have ran to a dead end only realizing then that a mile ago they should have listened to the directions they so dearly needed. Themes are convenient and beneficial in life and we, as people need to take advantage of these lessons more often.

Nineteen Minutes, the novel of which has taught me so much, through the relationships, the unheard thoughts, the themes and the setting where it was truly needed the most. It was a surreal wake-up call when I and the rest of the world severely needed it the most. It is in my best interest to recommend this book to young and mature adults, it will be sure to leave you with the impact of sympathy and compassion for those families that were caused great pain. Nineteen Minutes will also make you open your eyes way more than the human body will even allow.